Bus Station Drniš +385 (0) 22 310 115

Medical Centre Drniš +385 22 888 - 999

Infirmary, Drinovci (Miljevci) +385 22 882 355

Pharmacy Drniš +385 22 886 133

Police Station Drniš +385 22 348 139

Jedinstveni broj za sve hitne situacije: 112

International prefix for Croatia: 385

Unique number for all emergency situations: 112

Ambulance: 194

Fire department: 193

Police: 192

Help on the road: 1987 (If you call from abroad or by mobile phone dial +385 1 1987.)

Mountain Rescue Service: +385 1 4821 049

General information: 18981

Information about local and intercity telephone numbers: 11888

Information on international telephone numbers: 11802

Weather forecast and road conditions: 060 520 52

Croatian Auto Club (HAK): +385 1 4640 800