Turistička zajednica Grada Drniša treću godinu zaredom organizira manifestaciju prodajno-promotivnog karaktera pod nazivom Taste Like Dalmatia Drniš - Festival drniškog merlota, a koja će se održati u Drnišu 31. svibnja i 1. lipnja 2024.
Ulaz na festival je besplatan, a sva vina moći će se kušati na čaše za što je potrebno kupiti kupone i staklenu čašu.
Radno vrijeme festivala biti će od 18:00h do 00:00h.
Izlagači na ovogodišnjem Festivalu drniškog merlota su Vizzulin wine, Vinarija Skelin, Vinarija Džapo, Ško vina, Vinoplod vinarija Šibenik, Vinarija Parat, Drniški vinogradar, a u goste nam stižu dragi Slavonci, Zadruga Vrhunsko vukovarsko!
U sklopu festivala imat ćete priliku poslušati i zanimljiva predavanja, panel raspravu koju će voditi doc. Željko Andabaka, otkriti umjetnika u sebi ako se prijavite na wine&paint radionicu koju će voditi akademska slikarica Katarina Urem, zaigrati sve popularniju društvenu igru Cornhole, prijaviti se na degustaciju najboljih domaćih i svjetskih merlota, kroz koju će vas voditi gospodin Daniel Čečavac.
Za dobru atmosferu pobrinut će se grupa Fenix i Branimir Bubica i klapa Sebenico.
Pokrovitelji festivala su Hrvatska turistička zajednica, Turistička zajednica Šibensko-kninske županije, Grad Šibenik i Grad Drniš, a sponzori Vinoplod Vinarija Šibenik, Drniški vinogradar i Coca Cola. Medijski pokrovitelj je Radio Drniš.
Zahvaljujemo svima!
Vidimo se u Drnišu!
We are announcing an event reserved for enjoying good wine and company!
For the third year in a row, the Tourist Board of the City of Drniš is organizing a sales and promotional event called Taste Like Dalmatia Drniš - Festival of Drniš Merlot, which will be held in Drniš on May 31 and June 1, 2024.
Entrance to the festival is free, and all wines can be tasted by the glass, for which you need to buy coupons and a glass.
The working hours of the festival will be from 18:00 to 00:00.
Exhibitors at this year's Drniško Merlot Festival are Vizzulin wine, Skelin Winery, Džapo Winery, Ško vina, Šibenik Winery Vinoplod, Parat Winery, Drniška Vinogradar, and our guests are the dear people of Slavonia, the Vukovar Premium Cooperative!
As part of the festival, you will have the opportunity to listen to interesting lectures and a panel discussion led by Assoc. Željko Andabaka, discover the artist in yourself if you sign up for the wine&paint workshop led by academic painter Katarina Urem, play the increasingly popular board game Cornhole, sign up for a tasting of the best domestic and international merlots, which will be guided by Mr. Daniel Čečavac.
The group Fenix and Branimir Bubica and the Sebenico klapa will ensure a good atmosphere.
The patrons of the festival are the Croatian Tourist Board, the Šibenik-Knin County Tourist Board, the City of Šibenik and the City of Drniš, and the sponsors are Vinoplod Vinarija Šibenik, Drniška Vinogradar and Coca Cola. Media sponsor is Radio Drniš.
We thank everyone!
See you in Drniš!